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oAoB oCoD oEoF oGoH oIoJ oKoL oMoN oOoP oQoR oSoT oUoV oWoX oYoZ

Trademark / Brand Name Class(es)
classic BY I.T.C. +ovals 16
classic SHOP +ovals 18
classic batteries +ovals 9
ovals 37
cochin MEDIA CITY +ovals 38
comfort PLUS +ovals 25
commerce ONE +ovals 16
computer WORLD +ovals & arc 41
conch flower mace & ovals 41
cow & ovals 5
cream BELL +bells & ovals 3
crescent ovals & lines 9
crescent ovals & square 5
crescents & ovals 28
cross & ovals 10, 21
crown & ovals 9, 25
crown woman & ovals 42
crush more +ovals 6
d DISTURBE +ovals 25
d-EXCEL +ovals 17
d-GRUH LAXMI +ovals 17
d-INCON +ovals 17
ovals 38, 41
dairy den's YUMS +ovals 4, 7
de DONNA ELENA +ovals 18
design NETWORK A.P.L +ovals 42
design collection +ovals 6
designs & ovals 21
dha +ovals 32
digital BPL +ovals 9
dolphin +ovals & square 7
dots & ovals 11, 28
dress me +ovals & arc 24
drop & ovals 1, 3, 7, 12
drops & ovals 2, 4, 11, 16, 31
dw DAIRY WORLD +ovals 29
e COMXPERTS +ovals 9
e ESCO SOFT +ovals 16
e ESSCO +crown & ovals 30
e learning +ovals 9
e-COP +ovals 42
e-learning +ovals 16
eco kraft +ovals 16
education world +tree ovals 36
egg STATION +chef & ovals 30
ek boond +drop & ovals 5
elephant & ovals 30
elephants & ovals 25
energy +ovals 41
english BOLE TO +ovals 41
essential REGO +ovals 25
evershine computers +ovals 16
eye ovals & arcs 41
eye ovals arcs & square 25
ezzy masala +stars & ovals 30
f & n +lion & ovals 29
f +ovals 32
f F.G.A +ovals 25
f FAKE +ovals 25
f FALCON +ovals 9
f FLAVORITE +ovals 7, 30
face & ovals 30
faces & ovals 16
factory & ovals 24
fashion BISTRO.COM +ovals 16
ff FIDCO +ovals 20
first FIVE +ovals 41
fish & ovals 9, 28
fish arcs & ovals 14
fit +ovals 25
fit-O-fit +ovals & triangle 17
flower & ovals 12, 16, 35, 41
flowers & ovals 25
food food +ovals 29, 30, 32, 43
forks & ovals 3, 6, 8, 14, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27
france 24 +ovals 9, 16, 35, 38, 41, 42
fresh EXPRESS +ovals 31, 39, 42
g +ovals 3, 31, 34
g +ovals & lines 16
g GEC +circle & ovals 7
g GHASITARAM'S +ovals 30
g GOPAL +ovals 3, 31
g GRAPHERS +ovals 35
g GREENSCO +ovals 7, 12, 16, 17
german HOMOEO CLINIC +ovals 44
girl bird & ovals 16, 18, 21, 24, 25
glanze +ovals 8
glass & ovals 30
globe ovals & arcs 38, 42
globe & ovals 9, 12, 35, 42
globe circles & ovals 9, 16, 42
globe pen book & ovals 41
glow STAR +star & ovals 9
gmc general +ovals 7, 8, 9
gmp +ovals 41, 43
ovals 25, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41
ovals 43
gold +ovals 14
gold PARK +umbrella & ovals 14
golden flowers +ovals 21, 26
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